Free resources We've published a bunch of helpful resources, simply tap on the thumbnails to check them out: GRACe (Grower's Regulatory Assistance & Compliance Engine) Portal for small cultivators Visitors: A simple visitor sign in / out tracker Video: How to survive Medicinal Cannabis in New Zealand - A guide for cultivators looking to get started Video: Peracetic Acid for the treatment of cannabis microbial load (Presentation given to NZMCC) PDF: Medicinal Cannabis advertising restrictions - Do's and Don'ts PDF: Genetics declaration handbook (A guide for legacy growers and licensed cultivators alike) Spreadsheet: R&D fitout - Minimum viable materials Research paper: Can a post-harvest sanitization with Peracetic Acid spray reduce the microbial load in Cannabis sativa Dripper Calculator: Understanding timer-based feed requirements M5Stack configuration examples for ESPHome SDI-12 Substrate Sensor Firmware